Property Management
Comprehensive services for managing, maintaining and staffing your commercial building(s) make operations carefree for the property owner, and increase the value of your real estate assets.
Analysis and reporting. We provide annual budgets, quarterly financial statements and monthly aged receivables reporting, and prepare working papers for year-end audits as required. Specific financial reporting requirements can be tailored to meet your needs and offer you meaningful information.
Leasing services. We can provide standard leases and renewal documents, or we can use what’s already in place.
Value pricing. We offer bulk purchase discounts for snowplowing, landscaping, HVAC and carpet/flooring installation, washroom products, tiles, carpeting, paint and lighting. We can also provide excellent group pricing on property insurance with large blanket coverage as required. Download a sample property management budget.
Preventative maintenance. We assess your HVAC units, roof, lighting, flooring, windows and walkways to identify and resolve potential issues before they become liabilities and cause disruption to tenants. We supervise all trades and maintenance staff, providing them with written specifications and instructions. We set up preventative maintenance programs for all of your systems (HVAC, fire protection, security, etc.) to keep your building running smoothly.
Capital construction experience. We have long-term experience managing projects such as roof replacement, building cladding, lobby and washroom renovations and parking lot expansions. We ensure clients get competitive pricing and quality workmanship, write proper specifications for tenders, and make sure holdbacks are in place until satisfactory completion and inspections have occurred.
Complete support. Kalli Management has a live 24-hour emergency number with staff on call to respond to after-hours emergencies.